Topics of Discussion:
- Esalen Institute — Stanislav Grof, Holotropic Breathwork, and Maslow
- Psychedelics in humanities and religion
- Joseph Campbell
- How the, The Hero with a Thousand Faces relates to the new archetype of the conscious explorer
- The Good Friday Experiment
- Huston Smith
- Tips and advice about starting a psychedelic course/independent study
- A Really Good Day book review by the New York Times.
- Mindapps & Mindbody states
- How different “spiritual technologies” can produce various mindbody states
- Hints on Looking for Graduate Programs
- Tips and advice about getting started with psychedelic research in various departments — for example, in the humanities or religious department.
- Using Grof’s cartography of the psyche and Basic Perinatal Matrices to analyze art and literature
Thomas B. Roberts promotes the legal adaptation of psychedelics for multidisciplinary cultural uses, primarily their academic and spiritual implications. He formulated Multistate Theory (2013) coined Singlestate Fallacy, mindapps, neurosingularity, metaintelligence, and ideagen, and he named and characterized the Entheogen Reformation (2016). He is a founding member of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a cofounder of the Council on Spiritual Practices and the International Transpersonal Association, originated the Rising Researcher conference sessions, and launched the celebration of Bicycle Day to commemorate the day that Albert Hofmann first intentionally took LSD.
AB Hamilton College, MA University of Connecticut, PhD Stanford, Roberts is an emeritus professor of educational psychology at Northern Illinois University, where he taught Foundations of Psychedelic Studies as an Honors Program Seminar. Started in 1981 and taught through 2013, it is the world’s first university-cataloged psychedelic course.
In the fall of 2006, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Johns Hopkins Medical Schools’ Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit (Griffiths psilocybin team). His website is: www.niu.academia.edu/ThomasRoberts
Writing & Articles:
- Roberts, T, B. (2013). The Psychedelic Future of the Mind: How Entheogens are Enhancing Cognition, Boosting Intelligence, and Raising Values. Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT.
- The Psychedelic Policy Quagmire: Health, Law, Freedom, and Society (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality) Including chapters “You Have a Constitutional Right to Psychedelics” and “Mindapps and the Neurosingularity Project”. Praeger/ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.
- Seeking the Sacred with Psychoactive Substances [2 volumes]: Chemical Paths to Spirituality and to God (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality)
- Roberts, T. B. (2016). The Entheogen Reformation. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, Vol. 48, No. 1, pages 26-33. (PDF)
- Roberts, T. B. (editor, 2012). Spiritual Growth with Entheogens: Psychoactive Sacramentals and Human Transformation. Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT.
- Ellens, J. H. (editor, 2014). Seeking the Sacred with Psychoactive Substances: Chemical Paths to Spirituality and to God. (2 vols). Including chapters “From the 500-year Blizzard of Words to Personal Sacred Experiences —The New Religious EraLuther’s ‘A Mighty Fortress Is Our God’—Insights from Grof’s Perinatal Theory.”” and “
- Winkelman, M. & T. B. Roberts (co-editors 2007). Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances as Treatments (2 vols.) Including several chatgpers. Praeger/ABC-CLIO, Westport, CT. http://www.abc-clio.com/Praeger/product.aspx?pc=D6389C
- Roberts, T. B. (2006). Psychedelic Horizons: Snow White, Immune System, Multistate Mind, Enlarging Education. (2006), Imprint Academic, Exeter, UK.
- Roberts, T. B. & P. J. Hruby. (editors. 1995-2001). Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy.
How LSD Saved One Woman’s Marriage – New York Times
Review: ‘A Really Good Day,’ Ayelet Waldman’s Better Living Through LSD – New York Times