PT492 – Alien Abductions and Parallel Realities: How Do You Validate the Radically Ineffable?
March 5, 2024
Featuring: Elizabeth Anglin
In this episode, Joe and guest co-host Erica Rex interview Elizabeth Anglin: spirit medium, animal communicator, intuitive healer, alien abductee, and author of Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood.

In this episode, Joe and guest co-host Erica Rex interview Elizabeth Anglin: spirit medium, animal communicator, intuitive healer, alien abductee, and author of Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood.
She talks about her early abduction experiences, the time when she and her father realized they were both being abducted at the same time (from different locations), and the horrifying experience of six beings entering her apartment and realizing she knew one of them. These experiences led her to Budd Hopkins, and eventually John Mack (who did regression work with her) and the John E. Mack Institute, where she became a peer mentor for abductees. She talks about the validity of alien abductions, the concept of spiritual ecology, and the importance of listening to people: There’s so much we don’t know, so is it fair to label experiencers as schizophrenic just because we can’t replicate the experience?
She discusses:
- The commonality of people from the same family being abducted and why some people are lifetime abductees while others are only taken once
- The differences in abductions and how some seem to only be mental while others are physical and extremely painful
- The story of Linda Napolitano and the famous Brooklyn Bridge abduction
- Regressive hypnotherapy work: Are the memories you’re recovering accurate?
- Quantum biology, the Penrose-Hameroff quantum theory of consciousness, parallel realities, time travel, and quantum jumping
and so much more! As the X-Files made famous: The truth is out there. And this episode is definitely pretty out there!
Notable Quotes
“I’m so sad about how our religions say that there’s only one being that can help you, because there are lots of beings that will help you. I’m not mad with the one being that our Western worldview says– I’m not mad with him at all, but, you know, there are lots of beings. You just have to not be afraid.”
“When you go through alien abduction stuff, especially when you first do it, the stuff that you remember is nothing that you could come up with from a movie or from your life or from what you know about life, and the physical stuff that happens is so painful that it’s nothing that you would want to come up with. It’s not like ‘I wanted to have this glorious experience.’ …How in the world could a movie make you come up with that stuff when there are no movies about it because there are no words for it and there’s no ontology for it? And it’s so incredibly painful, why would you do that?”
“We don’t understand our own minds, we don’t understand consciousness, [and] we have a religiosity around understanding what ego is. I grew up thinking that ego is this terrible thing, and now I’m like, no, it’s here to keep you in your body. …It’s all about being safe in your body. And when you work with your consciousness, it’s kind of not a thing because it doesn’t matter where your body is or if you even have one. At all these different levels of consciousness, you’re going to find bodies all over the place, and eventually, this one is just really a temporary meat sack. So, you know: Get over it, ego.”
Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood, by Elizabeth Anglin
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn
Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods, by Budd Hopkins
Grunge.com: The Bizarre True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abduction
The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, by Aldous Huxley
Physics.lbl.gov: The Penrose-Hameroff Approach
Spiritual Ecology: Reading the Book of Nature and Reconnecting with the World, by Rudolf Steiner
Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, by Jeremy Narby